
President Obama, CIC's CASIC Focus on Competitiveness

President Obama, CIC's CASIC Focus on Competitiveness

President Obama, CIC's CASIC Focus on Competitiveness

Jan 26, 2011, 07:15 AM

International economic competitiveness was a major focus of President Obama's State of the Union address on Jan. 25. The topic was timely, as the CIC and the Center for Advanced Study in International Competitiveness (CASIC) prepare for its research summit...

International economic competitiveness was a major focus of President Obama's State of the Union address on Jan. 25. The topic was timely, as the CIC and the Center for Advanced Study in International Competitiveness (CASIC) prepare for itst in early April.

is a major collaborative research effort among seven CIC universities as founding partners:  University of , , , , , , and .  Its mission is to provide research leadership in the study of complex international competitiveness issues that have both scholarly and practical significance, particularly those with public-policy implications.

For its first major event, CASIC has convened top researchers, academics, business leaders and policy makers for a spring summit in the Chicago area. "Competing in the New Innovation-Driven Global Economy: Interdisciplinary Research, Experimentation, and Breakthrough Knowledge" will take place on April 1-2 in Oak Brook, Ill.

"Our goal is to generate breakthrough knowledge through interdisciplinary research and experimentation that will transform what we currently do and lead to greater progress and global prosperity," said Joseph Cheng, CASIC's principal investigator and a Professor and Director of the Illinois Global Business Initiative at the University of Illinois.

Seats are still available. For more information, please contact Professor Joseph Cheng at jlcheng@illinois.edu.