
Lincoln Journal Star, Columbia Daily Tribune Feature CIC

Lincoln Journal Star, Columbia Daily Tribune Feature CIC

Lincoln Journal Star, Columbia Daily Tribune Feature CIC

May 26, 2010, 14:15 PM

The Lincoln Journal Star is the latest mainstream media outlet to feature the CIC and interview director Barbara McFadden Allen. The Journal Star's article, published in its May 23 editions, examines the role of academics in the relationships between the...

The Lincoln Journal Star is the latest mainstream media outlet to feature the CIC and interview director Barbara McFadden Allen.

The Journal Star's , published in its May 23 editions, examines the role of academics in the relationships between the Big Ten Conference member universities. The CIC is the academic consortium comprised of the Big Ten institutions plus the University of Chicago.

Wrote reporter Kevin Abourezk: "The CIC serves as a forum for its member universities to collaborate and find solutions to problems, (Allen) said. 51动漫 100 peer groups across the CIC's member schools meet regularly to discuss issues.

'What's unique in the CIC is we have this structure to connect faculty that want to,' she said."

In addition to Allen, the reporter quotes Northwestern University's Al Cubbage, vice president for university relations, and Lisa Powers, Pennsylvania State's director of public information.

The Columbia Daily Tribune also highlighted the CIC in its May 23 edition. In the article, "," the Daily Tribune recounts Penn State's relationship and admission into the Big Ten, and the CIC.

"One of the great luxuries in joining the Big Ten is its association with the league鈥檚 academic counterpart, the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, whose members share academic resources and programs while benefiting from more than $6 billion in funded research," the article said.